A Bunch of Supposedly Fun Roguelikes — Part 4

Jeffrey McGee
4 min readDec 16, 2022


The final entry in this… whatever

Finally! I get to the part where I release the last entry in my suggestions for all things roguelike, although most of these concern action roguelikes (with exceptions, of course). Other than “it finally ends”, I don’t know what more I can add here that the reader isn’t prepared for. So yes, all things do come to an end, even this article.

However, in a change of pace, this entry will feature suggestions of games that are yet to come or, more accurately, games that haven’t been released yet. I’m really looking forward to these roguelikes since they seem the most interesting when it comes to action-based roguelikes… I really like these particular roguelikes and nothing else… for now.

This is interesting in that, for the most part, I only played these games after writing about them, unlike all the previous suggestions. So that means that, in truth, I am still determining what to expect from these games when they come out. Still, that doesn’t stop me from writing about them.

Anyways, here they are…

The Unliving

I know I said that this part of the series is about games yet to come, but I planned this article before The Unliving came out, so this game is the only one here to have come out already, and this game turned out to be surprisingly good. I immensely enjoyed commanding countless undead soldiers to die for me as I told them to march to the front and kill all the approaching enemies. More so, I enjoyed the carnage and chaos that ensues whenever combat happens, and this roguelike is not without its depth, but there definitely could have been more of it. Regardless, there is enough variety in this game to make it enjoyable. However, it is essential to note that the loading times in this game are abysmal; waiting for a game to load can take as much as 12 minutes, but if they somehow fix this issue, then the game will be much more attractive and accessible. Then again, it is stated to be in early access, something that I usually avoid recommending. But I didn’t expect it to be in early access either, so I played it anyways and good thing, too, because it’s fun. Anyways, if you have patience (which I don’t) and you like roguelikes, you’d want to give this game a chance.

Ship of Fools

As of me writing this article, Ship of Fools is right at my doorstep, so I’ll play it before this article is released, most likely. Still, this game seems interesting because it gives off the feeling that it’s heavy on micromanagement because of the ship and all the other stuff, combined with classic roguelike elements. So, a roguelike emphasising micromanagement could be very interesting since it would constantly require players to use their heads and consider their decisions carefully. But then again, that’s just the impression I get from the trailers and whatnot until I actually get to play it in a week or so. Anyways, here’s hoping that this game turns out to be good.

Wizard with a Gun

The combat in Wizard with a Gun is, in many ways, similar to the combat in Enter the Gungeon, in that it’s an isometric shooter where you collect all kinds of guns. However, this game is so much more. The graphics look great, and the character design is fantastic. The game’s name would suggest that there are indeed many guns to collect, but until this game comes out, no one will know for sure, even though it looks promising, and there’s no official release date yet. Still, this game offers many options and features for players to discover. It’s just a question of how much there is to find out in this game that will sustain players to keep playing it. I do hope that there’s a lot to discover and collect in this game.

Shoulders of Giants

Out of all the names here, Shoulders of Giants yield the least information since there’s barely anything to know about it. However, from what it shows, it’s very similar in style to Risk of Rain 2, which is one of my all-time favourite roguelikes. This is good since I have more or less a comparison of how this game will turn out. The main emphasis of the game right now, however, is the feature of 4-player co-op, and learning from the multiplayer in Risk of Rain 2, I don’t have hopes for it because of how problematic multiplayer for esoteric games can be (it can take forever until you find people to play with). Still, I can’t imagine this would pose a problem if you’re playing with your friends instead of going solo. But forget all that. You play as a frog that rides a giant robot. What’s cooler than that!? But yeah, I don’t really know what to expect from this game… but it looks cool, so… high hopes.

In Conclusion…

And this, and I say this for the last time, has been the final entry in all kinds of roguelikes that I really wanted to suggest to people, and maybe people will find that there is something to look forward to when it comes to roguelikes. Roguelikes are just getting more popular, and I am still determining when it will end. Who knows what more roguelikes await in the future? I don’t care because right now, I have yet to play any of the above (except The Unliving), and frankly, I want to try out other games that aren’t roguelikes because you can only stick to a single genre so much.

Anyways, the following article will be about a game called Scorn… I hope.

