Cult of the Lamb — More Fun than its Name Might Suggest
I really like roguelikes
If you noticed a change in the quality and format of my articles, then you’re probably right. Everything is dynamic, and my writing style is no exception. I have recently been bombarded with tasks among tasks, with this video game project of mine and whatnot. Sometimes, it stresses me out, but I want to complete this prototype so, at the very least, people can get an idea of what Ocean of Giants is really about. And as I try to find where my teammates are, whom I can’t find for some reason, I played this really cool game called Cult of the Lamb.
Now, the first thing that I thought was that this game was some kind of satanic rite that acolytes of the Antichrist have to play in order to advance in rank in their cult. I’d rather avoid sensitive subjects, but it turns out this game is actually a cartoonish depiction of how anthropomorphic animals would form a stereotypical cult, but best of all is that this game is roguelike and a genre that I’m fascinated by. So yes, the game is actually quite fun, and there’s no actual tan, just monsters parodying biblical depictions of what the devil is supposed to be, I think. The story goes more or less like this…
You are a lamb that was recently sacrificed to this world’s version of the antichrist. But instead of dying, you are given life once again, by this world’s version of the antichrist, to get revenge on those that sacrificed you. Those are just typical tropes, but the gameplay is far more fascinating because of how deep it is with its mechanics. While I still played it, this was what I experienced, so to say…
I should probably get a better computer
This game is a roguelike, but it’s also a farming simulator… of sorts. It would be easier to say that it is a cult simulator, if there only was such a thing. Then again, Cult of the Lamb could be the first cult simulator. Anyhow, you go around a wild area filled with monsters and whatnot, killing them and collecting as much resource as possible. Along the way, you might even rescue an unfortunate soul along the way from the teeth of hungry villains, and they would gladly convert to your religion without a second thought. You amass your cult in the many, with more and more believers making the social system in the game more complicated. You have to tend to their needs and make sure they stay loyal to you, otherwise they could preach against your cause as a cult leader (remember, you are a lamb). So yes, the simulation elements are pretty keen in this game. But what about going out to the forest and getting killed by monstrous foes?
As for the roguelike of this game, it plays out pretty typical of how you would expect it; you go out to an area where everyone and everything wants to kill you, kill them instead and ravage their remains, all the while gathering collectibles from every bush in the vicinity. Every once in a while, you come across an area that gives you a new weapon or maybe a special kind of shopkeeper that offers unique collectibles. Like I said: typical roguelike.
But there was one element that stood out more than both the farming simulator and the roguelike, and that’s the numerous amounts of crashes that I suffered playing this game. I genuinely enjoyed it, and I wanted to continue playing it. It’s probably just my computer being something like 7 years old that’s contributing to its poor performance, but I persisted through all these crashes just so that I could keep playing. I thought it might’ve been an error with the resolution, but it crashed anyhow. I wasn’t interested in trying to fix it because nowadays I don’t have the patience to deal with a game that doesn’t want to work. So, the game kept crashing, and I eventually gave up. It was fun while it lasted though…
Did you join the cult of the lamb?
So clearly, I didn’t have the RAM or whatever to play this game or, whatever the hell the problem is. If you played more than I did, which I assume is the case, you probably amassed a following in the hundreds, maybe even in the thousands if the game allows it (probably not). Assuming you played it of course… did you?
In Conclusion…
So, I wanted to keep playing, but I guess my laziness, or better yet my tight schedule, wouldn’t allow it. But this game is fun, and if you haven’t played it yet and you just happen to like roguelikes and farm simulators, then you’d probably want to check this out. I can’t because… well… what I said above. I’m so lazy I can’t even write in this paragraph about the crashes I had to put up with… and yet I just did.
In any case, don’t worry too much about the theme in the game. I’m just glad there’s nothing too disturbing that could send me away from the game… oh wait… the crashes are disturbing enough because I stopped playing the game. But you should because I said, it’s a fun game. I don’t always encounter games this fun.
I just hope the next game I play won’t crash so much… or at all, for that matter.