Nobody Saves the World — But He can be (Almost) Anyone

Jeffrey McGee
4 min readOct 7, 2022


Every form plays differently

I might be a little late since this particular game came out about 6 months ago. I was looking for new things to play and one video on YouTube mentioned that this is a good game… and it turned out to be true as this game is very enjoyable. The game is called “Nobody Saves the World”, by the way.

So, as I continue to discover new games that can kill my boredom, I found this peculiar RPG, which has you play as a bland-looking humanoid template of a homunculus… of sorts. The protagonist is a weird creature, called “Nobody”, who can transform into several different forms, with some making more sense than others. You mostly go about scavenging dungeons for interesting loot, as well as do some side missions.

So basically, Nobody Saves the World doesn’t introduce anything particularly new, but the game executes its new features wonderfully. Every transformation feels distinctly different from one another as someone can assume, and there are interesting character designs and environments to behold. The story was… uh… was there a story? Anyways, this is what it was like…

The horse is the fastest

As usual, I’ll try to avoid spoilers.

The game has you start as a dark-blue humanoid with holes instead of eyes, or maybe they were just pitch black. Nevertheless, I discover that I have very little power to protect myself. But as I progressed through the game, I became stronger. The more I played, the more transformations I discovered, and I was thinking, “oh, how many more forms are there to discover”, so I kept playing it just to find more forms, and every form plays distinctly different from one another. One form, for example, is the Ranger, which has the player repeatedly shoot arrows at baddies, while another form is the horse, and my favorite, which has the player run around at swift speed, kicking everyone with your hind legs and trampling them under the hooves. Every form also has missions unique to them that require the player to perform various tasks, some harder than others, but eventually, it just becomes tedious to keep on doing missions. Once I exhausted my curiosity about discovering more forms, the game started to lose its charm, even though I do think that the developers did a good job with differentiating the many forms that Nobody has. However, it wasn’t just the exhaustion of “I want to discover more forms” that led to the loss of interest, but also the game’s increasing difficulty.

The game has you go around and discovering new locations and new monsters to fight, while entering dungeons to perform whatever mission you’re on and get about to the next dungeon, because there are a lot of these, and I wanted to discover more dungeons but they get increasingly harder the further you progress into the game. In fact, this one particular dungeon had me go through it something like 50 times in order to win it… and I still haven’t. While dying, I finished half of all the missions I needed on every one of the forms that was available to me at the time. After too many attempts, I realized that this game is just too hard for me. Nowadays, I’m just looking for something more relaxing to play. Sometimes I find it, and sometimes I don’t.

But the game is really polished and the combat is very satisfying, especially when you’re up against 20 enemies in one fight. But this game is for people who want to invest a good deal of time in a game. If you like games with high difficulty, then maybe this is the game for you… despite how awesome it is, I’ll probably just move on to the next thing.

Just so that everybody knows, I last played the game a week ago so I kind of forgot the exact details of the experience. But the above, more or less sums up what I felt about the game, and I do want to say that it was worth the time while it lasted. Nowadays, staying with one game for too long just feels… tedious.

What form was your favorite in Nobody Saves the World

I know I’m several months late. Did you fancy the game half a year ago when it came out? I, clearly, won’t invest the time in getting to know the game better, not to mention that I already want to move on to the next thing. If you have a different opinion than mine, go ahead and share it here… as usual.

In Conclusion…

Truly, Nobody Saves the World is a great game, although not the one for someone who is looking for a relaxing experience. I am not looking for a challenge right now, and I would therefore want to move on to the next… you get it.

In any case, it was fun while it lasted, especially with the option to just kick people into walls with the horse’s hind legs, but there’s only so much kickin’ I could do before I got tired of how hard the missions are. Doing the same dungeon 100 times over isn’t really fun. I do think I should’ve talked about the intricate mechanics of the game, but I think that the people who want to enjoy the game will figure for themselves.

But it was fun… no really… it was.



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